Therapies at the Clinic

Wellness and Detox Lymphatic Massage

Are you feeling heavy, bloated or just plain tired?

Then you may need a lymphatic massage to reset your body and improve your overall feeling of wellbeing. If your lymphatic system is congested, then that feeling of being heavy, bloated and tired can be a symptom you need a gentle treatment.

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Things that affect our lymphatic system

Are you in the cycle of menopause? Are you having issues with digestion or irritable bowel? Have you had a issue like glandular fever, a bad sinus attack, or eczema? Have swollen feet that are achy by the end of the day?

Then you may well just need a gentle 60 minute lymphatic massage to reset your balance and get yourself back on track.

Some of the noticeable outcomes are;

  • Reduced tummy bloating and overall body puffiness and swelling
  • With a face treatment we will reduce any swelling or puffiness around the face and your skin will be clearer
  • By stimulating the lymph nodes which will help clear toxins you will have an overall feeling of “lightness”
  • Calming of the mind
  • Improving your sleep!

What about chronic conditions?

Lymphatic massage is wonderful and gentle treatment that can address some of these symptoms and also help manage some support those chronic issues such as IBS, post-glandular fever, Hashimoto’s or Grave’s disease, M.S., Fybromylagia, Chronic Fatigue or Raynaud’s disease.

I suggest having a 30 minute express treatment first to see how you body copes, review and see if you have found the treatment beneficial. You can then either stay at 30 minutes or inch forward to a 45 minute or a 60 minute treatment.

Every body is different so until you try a treatment, you won’t know if it is supportive for your condition.


Then have at look at this animated video from Shannon Goins CLT, a fellow certified lymphatic therapist, to understand how your lymphatic system can benefit from a treatment

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What about COVI9-19 vaccinations?

Some people may react to the COVID-19 vaccinations with swollen lymph nodes in the armpits. This should resolve itself in two to three days. See below for NZ Ministry of Health advice in the first instance.

I suggest based on advice posted from Massage New Zealand, you wait two to three days between vaccines before booking in for any lymphatic treatment or any body work in general.

Lymphatic massage is becoming a popular treatment in the U.S. post vaccine treatment, when the heaviness in the arm or body sluggishness last longer that the anticipated period.
Note: Lymphatic treatments are being done when there is no concern of any underlying conditions

Current Ministry of Health advice

The advice from the Ministry of Health is that the vaccine can be treated in the same way as a regular flu vaccination, i.e. massage is contraindicated at the vaccination site.

Any side effects of the vaccine will likely be within the first 48 hours. If the client is feeling unwell they are unlikely to want to receive massage therapy.

Advise the client to rest until symptoms have subsided, and if symptoms persist to seek medical advice/care. For further information on the vaccine please visit

Click here for further information on the side affects